Sunday 4 October 2009

Some Music For Geeks

I've been under the weather this weekend with a cold, so I don't feel up to a full fledged blog post. I thought then I would leave you with some videos, this time with special appeal to geeks. There was a time when the only bands around that made an effort to appeal to geekdom were Blue Oyster Cult and Hawkwind. Later there would be Monster Magnet and The Consortium of Genius. Another band can be added to this list now, The She Creatures. The She Creatures are a power pop/garage rock/psychedelic band whose inspiration seems to come equally from the music of the Sixties and bad science fiction movies. They apparently come from Venus, by way of Bristol. Anyway, here is their song "Sexy Robot." Special thanks to Jeff Diel for posting this to Facebook!

By the way, if you liked this, you might want to check out their official website. Among other songs, they have a great remake of Paul Revere and the Raiders' "Hungry."

Of course, many geeks and even non-geeks play MMOs (that's short for "massively multiplayer online game"--Everquest is an example). The phenomenon has become so prevalent that it has even inspired an online sitcom, The Guild, which follows a group of MMO players. Created by actress and writer Felicia Day, it may well be one of the best sitcoms in the past few years. Shortly before the debut of its third season, the cast created a parody music video entitled "Do You Wanna Date My Avatar." Felicia Day took her inspiration for the song from Eighties dance songs. For the video, Jed Whedon (brother to Joss Whedon) also drew upon the dance videos of the era (it sort of reminds of Stacey Q.'s "Two of Hearts). Special thanks to Marina for posting this to Row Three quite some time back.

Finally, for those of you who are old timers like me, here is "Master of the Universe" by Hawkwind, complete with trippy visuals...

Good night and good luck, everyone!

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